This is What Democracy Looks Like

In an effort to declutter my Facebook and to consolidate my political musings, I set up this nifty blog! As a full time graduate student pursuing two simultaneous Masters’ I’m finding it hard to go out and protest and make my voice heard – as much as I LOVED Marching on Washington on the 21st of January, the workload-catch-up period was rough. So this is how I raise my voice against the current Administration. Just as I’ve been doing like a crazy person on FB, I’ll post my political thoughts on this page. This page will consist of only REAL facts (and some opinions!) – none of that “alternative” crap. Through this blog, I hope to entertain you, to inform you, and maybe even inspire you to pick up your pen (or phone, or feet!) in protest of the backward policies (more consistent with 1950’s America, don’t you think?) that have assumed control of our government.

Here’s my main disclaimer: As a historian of American race relations, I am well aware that the sentiment expressed by our current Administration and its public supporters is not a new phenomenon. You’ll find me saying this again and again. This. Is. Not. New. But it seems that 2017 has emerged as a culmination of all these insecurities that were previously silenced because of, you know, Civil Rights laws. In 2017, racism and sexism and xenophobia have reared their ugly heads again, and this is why I write.

I write to fight the patriarchy. To fight the systems of oppression, just as our Civil Rights heroines and heroes fought for since the beginning of our nation’s creation. To fight FOR the next generation of citizens, both boys and girls and all in between, so that they know they are loved and appreciated. I write and I fight for EQUALITY.

Bring it on, Donald Drumpf. I can’t wait.